On a Federal Voter ID Law, the Devil is in the Details
In proposing a compromise package for federal voting legislation, Senator Joe Manchin recently released a framework that includes two weeks of early voting, automatic voter registration, a ban on partisan gerrymandering, and a first-ever national voter ID law among...
Texas Should Enact Common Sense Reforms to Modernize Election Systems and Maximize Voter Freedom
Texas has an opportunity to upgrade its election process to provide eligible voters increased freedom in how they register, vote, and assure their vote is counted while also supporting the integrity of Texas elections by providing uniform and consistent access for...
Texas Bills Enacted Following the Regular Legislative Session
The following bills were signed by Governor Abbott following the regular legislative session. Bills that share provisions from versions of the omnibus Senate Bill 7, as passed by either chamber, are noted: Anti-Voter Bills HB 574 - creates a 2nd degree felony offense...
Comparison of Contents of Texas Senate Bill 7 as Passed by Each Chamber
SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS IN EACH VERSION As amended and passed by the House on second reading in the early morning hours of May 7, 2021, and passed finally following third reading on May 7, 2021, SB 7: Threatens election officials with criminal prosecution for enacting...
From the Polls to Prison: A New Front in the War Against Voting Rights
The biennial Texas legislative session, concluding at the end of the month, has seen lawmakers open up a new front in the ongoing national war for voter suppression. Legislators have proposed numerous bills seeking to create or raise criminal penalties for actions by...
No Comparison: Pitting Laws in New York Against Georgia’s Election Legislation is a False Argument
In the wake of the passage of Georgia’s sweeping anti-voter legislation, some have been quick to draw comparisons between Georgia’s bill and laws on the books in blue states — particularly New York. Comparing Georgia’s enacted legislation to New York’s current law is...
Voting Restoration: A Spark of Hope in State Election Legislation
In the next week, Washington Governor Jay Inslee is expected to sign H.B. 1078/S.B. 5086 into law. This bill restores the right to vote to tens of thousands of Washingtonians with past felony convictions once they return home from prison. Once it becomes law, more...
The For the People Act
Download our brief on H.R.1/S.1 here. H.R.1/S.1 protects our freedom to vote Better in-person voting On Election Day for the 2020 general election, around 30% of likely voters took at least 30 minutes to vote. About 15% (more than 8 million voters) took an hour or...
The Quiet Attack on Drop Boxes: Another Tactic to Make it Harder to Vote
As those in the voting rights movement are well aware, states across the country rushed to adjust their election systems to allow for safe voting during the 2020 pandemic, in part by expanding access to absentee ballots. The Voting Rights Lab policy team tracked these...
The 2020 Backlash Begins: Early Trends in Photo ID Requirements for Absentee Voting
Record-breaking turnout in 2020, along with rampant misinformation spread after the election in an attempt to cast doubt on the results, has provoked some legislators into proposing new voter suppression methods. My team and I have been scouring pre-filed and recently...
The Markup
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