On a Federal Voter ID Law, the Devil is in the Details

In proposing a compromise package for federal voting legislation, Senator Joe Manchin recently released a framework that includes two weeks of early voting, automatic voter registration, a ban on partisan gerrymandering, and a first-ever national voter ID law among...

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Texas Bills Enacted Following the Regular Legislative Session

The following bills were signed by Governor Abbott following the regular legislative session. Bills that share provisions from versions of the omnibus Senate Bill 7, as passed by either chamber, are noted: Anti-Voter Bills HB 574 - creates a 2nd degree felony offense...

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The For the People Act

Download our brief on H.R.1/S.1 here. H.R.1/S.1 protects our freedom to vote Better in-person voting On Election Day for the 2020 general election, around 30% of likely voters took at least 30 minutes to vote. About 15% (more than 8 million voters) took an hour or...

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