Women and Attacks on Election Administration

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, legislators in statehouses around the country have proposed legislation that would disrupt the administration of our elections – often based on unfounded concerns over election security and so-called voter fraud. Our team at the...

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Election Subversion Threats: 2024 Battleground States

Recent reporting has made it all the more clear just how close we came to having the will of the American people overturned by politicians and accomplices willing to do anything to cling to power. What held back the dam? As journalist Barton Gellman explained in The...

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DECEMBER UPDATE: A Tale of Two Democracies

The Voting Rights Lab made critical updates to its report, A Tale of Two Democracies, first released in June and updated in September, demonstrating how a wave of state legislation on voting rights and election administration is transforming our democracy, creating a...

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Three Takeaways from the 2021 Elections

This year, expanded voter access in Virginia resulted in record turnout for an off-cycle election. Both Democrats and Republicans turned out in higher numbers than in 2017, the last gubernatorial election year, and a Republican victory refutes the claim that expanded...

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Movement Victories: Stopping the Bad and Highlighting the Good

As we wrap up the 2021 legislative sessions in most states, let’s take stock of our movement’s victories. Voting rights advocates and organizers successfully ensured that some of the most restrictive policies failed. They also moved forward reforms across the country...

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