Ways to Give

The Voting Rights Lab depends on the generous support of donors like you. Here are some ways you can power our work.

If you have any questions, would like to donate by wire transfer, or would like to get in touch with someone on our team, please contact donations@votingrightslab.org.

Donate Online Now

Make an online contribution now via credit card, Google Pay, Apple Pay, or by giving a gift of stock.

Donate by Mail

Prefer to give by check? Please email us at donations@votingrightslab.org for more information.

Donate Stock

You can support our work through the gift of stock. Please indicate that the contribution is designated for Voting Rights Lab, and notify a member of our team when the stock gift has been sent by contacting donations@votingrightslab.org.

You can also make a gift of stock using our online donation form.

Brokerage Account: Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC

DTC (depository trust company) #: 0141

Brokerage Account: 8757-7289

Brokerage Address:
One North Jefferson, H0005-072
St. Louis, MO