Welcome to the 19th edition of The Markup – on the 19th! Welcome back to our loyal readers and hello to those of you just joining us. Will you forward this post along to any friends or colleagues who may be interested in subscribing? If you’d like to get these weekly...
Standard Registration Process
The Markup: Weekly Election Legislation Update for Monday, July 12
Welcome back to our loyal readers and hello to everyone who has joined us in the last few weeks. Will you forward this post along to any friends or colleagues who may be interested in subscribing? If you’d like to get these weekly updates straight to your inbox going...
Texas Should Enact Common Sense Reforms to Modernize Election Systems and Maximize Voter Freedom
Texas has an opportunity to upgrade its election process to provide eligible voters increased freedom in how they register, vote, and assure their vote is counted while also supporting the integrity of Texas elections by providing uniform and consistent access for...
Texas Bills Enacted Following the Regular Legislative Session
The following bills were signed by Governor Abbott following the regular legislative session. Bills that share provisions from versions of the omnibus Senate Bill 7, as passed by either chamber, are noted: Anti-Voter Bills HB 574 - creates a 2nd degree felony offense...
The Markup: Weekly Election Legislation Update for Monday, May 17
Welcome to The Markup, VRL’s insider legislative update. We’re grateful to our loyal readers like you. Will you help get this update into more hands by sharing it with two or three colleagues? If you received this email from someone else and you’d like to get these...