The following bills were signed by Governor Abbott following the regular legislative session. Bills that share provisions from versions of the omnibus Senate Bill 7, as passed by either chamber, are noted: Anti-Voter Bills HB 574 - creates a 2nd degree felony offense...
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The Markup: Weekly Election Legislation Update for Monday, June 21
To our loyal readers: Thank you for helping make The Markup so successful, week after week. Will you help get this update into more hands by sending it along to colleagues and friends? If you’d like to get these weekly updates straight to your inbox going...
The Markup: Weekly Election Legislation Update for Monday, June 14
We're really grateful to all of our loyal readers. Thanks for helping make The Markup so successful. Will you help get this update into more hands by forwarding it along to colleagues and friends? If you’d like to get these weekly updates straight to your inbox going...
The Markup: Weekly Election Legislation Update for Monday, June 7
Welcome to The Markup, VRL's insider legislative update. Thanks to everyone who's been with us from the start – and to those of you just tuning in for your first week. Will you help get this update into more hands by forwarding it along to colleagues and friends? If...
Comparison of Contents of Texas Senate Bill 7 as Passed by Each Chamber
SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS IN EACH VERSION As amended and passed by the House on second reading in the early morning hours of May 7, 2021, and passed finally following third reading on May 7, 2021, SB 7: Threatens election officials with criminal prosecution for enacting...
The Markup: Weekly Election Legislation Update for Tuesday, June 1
Welcome to The Markup, VRL's insider legislative update. Thanks to everyone who's been with us from the start – and to those of you just tuning in for the first week. Will you help get this update into more hands by forwarding it along to colleagues and friends? If...
From the Polls to Prison: A New Front in the War Against Voting Rights
The biennial Texas legislative session, concluding at the end of the month, has seen lawmakers open up a new front in the ongoing national war for voter suppression. Legislators have proposed numerous bills seeking to create or raise criminal penalties for actions by...
The Markup: Weekly Election Legislation Update for Monday, May 24
Welcome to The Markup, VRL's insider legislative update. We're grateful to our loyal readers like you. Will you help get this update into more hands by forwarding it along? A quick scheduling note: We’ll be sending next week’s edition of The Markup on Tuesday, June 1....
The Markup: Weekly Election Legislation Update for Monday, May 17
Welcome to The Markup, VRL’s insider legislative update. We’re grateful to our loyal readers like you. Will you help get this update into more hands by sharing it with two or three colleagues? If you received this email from someone else and you’d like to get these...
The Markup: Weekly Election Legislation Update for Monday, May 10
Welcome to The Markup, VRL's insider legislative update. We're grateful to our loyal readers like you. Will you help get this update into more hands by forwarding it along? If you received this email from someone else and you'd like to get these weekly updates...